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    1. Logging&Cementing

        Vettev is committed to provide the advanced, high quality products, techniques and service to China customers. With many years' experience in imported oilfield, mine, construction and industry equipments, our engineers  can offer the best service to you.

      Vettev deeply knows that the high quality products do not only mean the products themselves, but also the timely after-sales services for the products.

      To deliver the products to the customers is the end of the sales, but the start of the service! To meet the customers' needs is our principle!


      Tel: 0086-631-5967659/0086-13616307251?

      Fax: 0086-631-5967660

      E-mail:? import1@vettev.com



      Copyright©2006:Weihai Vettev Equipment Co.,LTD

      Tel:0086-631-5967656 Fax:0086-631-5967660 E-mail:vet@vettev.com  Design:www.qyjzw.com

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        1. 盐津县| 郑州市| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 青阳县| 专栏| 蕉岭县| 泾川县| 阿拉尔市| 太白县| 绥滨县| 莫力| 剑川县| 华池县| 隆尧县| 彭水| 通道| 福州市| 临高县| 五莲县| 清新县| 和政县| 收藏| 阿克陶县| 瑞丽市| 兴山县| 上虞市| 易门县| 小金县| 沙湾县| 汕尾市| 宁陕县| 石景山区| 绵竹市| 府谷县| 裕民县| 濉溪县| 金秀| 彭山县| 古田县| 抚远县| 钟山县| http://444 http://444 http://444