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    1. Pressure control


      Founded in 1981, NOV Elmar has established itself as a world leader in the design and manufacture of a complete range of wireline and completion products.
      The main products include: Wireline and Slickline Equipment, Rental Equipment and Services, TCP Products, Casing Services, Screen Products etc.


      Tel: 0086-631-5967659/0086-13616307251?

      Fax: 0086-631-5967660

      E-mail:? import1@vettev.com



      Copyright©2006:Weihai Vettev Equipment Co.,LTD

      Tel:0086-631-5967656 Fax:0086-631-5967660 E-mail:vet@vettev.com  Design:www.qyjzw.com

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